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Coral Sexual

Interventions based on sexual reproduction are aimed at assisting coral fertilization, providing healthy substrate for larvae, and introducing coral recruits into degraded reefs. To carry out such intervention, monitoring and recording of spawning events are necessary, which is a fundamental piece of coral spawning monitoring. It is important to generate more accurate prediction calendars and to recognize temporal and regional variations. 

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BICA Utila Coral Restoration. Coral spawning Utila

During the spawning season, patterns of spawning have been observed in the five coral species monitored, especially in Acroporas, which had only anecdotal records in Honduras. It has been discovered that on the island of Utila, the coral D. labyrinthiformis exhibits synchronous spawning (multiple colonies of the same species spawn on the same night) in May and June. On the other hand, Acroporas and Orbicellas show multisynchronous spawning (multiple species spawn on the same night) in August and September. Additionally, it has been observed that Acroporas and Orbicellas spawn 5 to 6 days after the full moon, while D. labyrinthiformis spawns 9 to 11 days after the full moon.
Restoration through sexual methods offers greater inclusion in biodiversity and genetic diversity, making these efforts vital for expanding restoration efforts in Utila.

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