Why are we restoring coral reefs?
Due to significant losses of coral reefs caused by various factors such as diseases, predation, and the impact of natural disasters like hurricanes and tropical storms, the reefs in the PNMIB face numerous challenges in recovery. We intervene through coral restoration by transplanting species that can regenerate more quickly, facilitating the recovery of entire colonies from fragments. It is crucial to aid in recovering coral reefs because they play a vital role in the marine ecosystem, providing ecosystem services that benefit the population.

What are we doing?
Since 2018, the coral restoration project has been underway. The team has installed a coral nursery in situ in the Sandy Bay – West End Marine Protected Area (ZPEM-SBWE). This is a coral reproduction method for subsequent transplantation, enhancing the reef structures in degraded areas due to both natural and anthropogenic actions. The coral garden consists of eight trees and a rack, featuring species such as Staghorn Coral (Acropora cervicornis), Elkhorn Coral (A. palmata), and Fused Staghorn Coral (A. prolifera), known for their rapid growth and adaptability to the area.
The garden hosts diverse species, including fish, crustaceans, and annelids. We have adopted a section within the ZPEM-SBWE with 510 colonies among the trees and racks. Monthly monitoring includes maintenance, growth rates, and colony health. Transplants are conducted twice a year to increase biodiversity and maintain coastal protection. In 2021, 300 colonies of Staghorn Coral were successfully transplanted, and the goal for 2022 is to expand the capacity to restore more areas annually within the Bay Islands Marine National Park (BINMP).
How you can help?
Respect Coral Reefs
Avoid touching
or littering
in coral areas

Waste Disposal
Refrain from discarding
wastewater or harmful
substances into the sea.

Join us!
Donate to BICA to continue with these activities
Corporate support: Dive centers can assist with logistics for on-site coral garden monitoring and adopt a site for restoration and care of developing colonies.
Social media advocacy: Share the Coral Restoration Project on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, contributing to coral reef conservation.
Donations: Contribute to our Amazon wishlist for necessary equipment and materials or financially support the project. Visit the link: https://amzn.to/36CgZBc.
Report incidents: Report vessel groundings on coral reefs or any activities that directly or indirectly harm coral reefs through our email info@bicainc.org.
Ways to Give
Join us in protecting the stunning marine and coastal biodiversity of the Bay Islands in Honduras by supporting our conservation efforts and safeguarding the future of our oceans for generations to come.